Posts Tagged ‘loss of a parent’

Grieving Through The Holidays

Posted on December 22nd, 2011 by karen

Light a candle in memory

by Ed Moran, LCSW

As if by annual surprise the holidays are upon us again, bringing with them a sense of joy for some and apprehension for others.  Pressure to find the gift that beats all gifts, shopping lines, office parties, credit card bills, and dysfunctional family struggles can so monopolize our thoughts that the true meaning of holidays tends to elude us.  This time of year is already rife with anxiety-provoking moments, but when we’re grieving the loss of a loved one, the holidays can be downright excruciating.

No matter how recent or distant the loss, the holiday season emphasizes, more than any other time of the year, the empty chair at the family table.  If it’s the first holiday since a death, the absence can be unbearable.  You wonder, “How can I possibly make it through?”  The fact that grief, just by its nature, can also be confusing adds to the anguish.

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